Source code for jsontransform

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import collections
import datetime
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import re
import sys

from dateutil import parser
from decorator import decorator

__author__ = "Peter Morawski"
__version__ = "1.0.1"

_DATE_FORMAT_REGEX = r"^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}|[0-9]{8})$"
_DATETIME_FORMAT_REGEX = r"^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{8})T([0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?(:[0-9]{2})?|[0-9]{6}|[0-9]{4}" \

_JSON_FIELD_NAME = "_json_field_name"
_JSON_FIELD_REQUIRED = "_json_field_required"
_JSON_FIELD_MODE = "_json_field_mode"

_PY2 = 2

[docs]class ConfigurationError(Exception): """ The passed :class:`JSONObject` was not configured correctly. """ pass
[docs]class ConstraintViolationError(Exception): """ A constraint which has been defined on a :func:`field` has been violated. """ pass
[docs]class MissingObjectError(Exception): """ No :class:`JSONObject` which matches the signature of the passed JSON document could be found. """ pass
[docs]class JSONObject(object): """ Every entity/class which is intended to be encodable and decodable to a JSON document **MUST** inherit/extend this class. """ pass
[docs]class FieldMode(object): """ The :class:`FieldMode` describes the behavior of the :func:`field` during the encoding/decoding process. It marks that the :func:`field` should not be in the JSON document when the :class:`JSONObject` is encoded but it should be decoded and vice versa. """ ENCODE = "e" """ Indicates that the :func:`field` can **ONLY** be encoded. """ DECODE = "d" """ Indicates that the :func:`field` can **ONLY** be decoded. """ ENCODE_DECODE = "ed" """ Indicates that the :func:`field` can be encoded **AND** decoded. """
[docs]@decorator def field(func, field_name=None, required=False, mode=FieldMode.ENCODE_DECODE, *args, **kwargs): """ The :func:`field` decorator is used to mark that a :class:`property` inside a :class:`JSONObject` is a JSON field so it will appear in the JSON document when the :class:`JSONObject` is encoded or decoded. .. note:: * The brackets `()` after the @field decorator are important even when no additional arguments are given * The :class:`property` decorator must be at the top or else the function won't be recognized as a property :param func: The method which is decorated with @property decorator. :param field_name: (optional) A name/alias for the field (how it should appear in the JSON document) since by \ default the name of the property will be used. :param required: (optional) A `bool` which indicates if this field is mandatory for the decoding process. When a \ field which is marked as required does NOT exist in the JSON document from which the JSONObject is decoded from, \ a ConstraintViolationError will be raised. (False by default) :param mode: (optional) The FieldMode of the field. (ENCODE_DECODE by default) """ if not hasattr(func, _JSON_FIELD_NAME): setattr(func, _JSON_FIELD_NAME, field_name or func.__name__) if not hasattr(func, _JSON_FIELD_REQUIRED): setattr(func, _JSON_FIELD_REQUIRED, required) if not hasattr(func, _JSON_FIELD_MODE): setattr(func, _JSON_FIELD_MODE, mode) return func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class JSONEncoder(object): """ This class offers methods to encode a :class:`JSONObject` into JSON document. A :class:`JSONObject` can be encoded to - an `str` - a `dict` - a `write()` supporting file-like object """ DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d" DATETIME_TZ_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
[docs] def to_json_str(self, json_object): """ Encode an instance of a :class:`JSONObject` into an `str` which contains a JSON document. :param json_object: The instance of the JSONObject which should be encoded :raises ConfigurationError: When the JSONObject of which an instance was passed does NOT define any JSON fields :raises TypeError: When the type of a field in the JSONObject is not encodable :return: An str which contains the JSON representation of the passed JSONObject """ return json.dumps(self.to_json_dict(json_object))
[docs] def to_json_file(self, json_object, json_file): """ Encode an instance of a :class:`JSONObject` and write the result into a `write()` supporting file-like object. :param json_object: The instance of the JSONObject which should be encoded :param json_file: A write() supporting file-like object :raises ConfigurationError: When the JSONObject of which an instance was passed does NOT define any JSON fields :raises TypeError: When the type of a field in the JSONObject is not encodable """ json.dump(self.to_json_dict(json_object), json_file)
[docs] def to_json_dict(self, json_object): """ Encode an instance of a :class:`JSONObject` into a python `dict`. :param json_object: The instance of the JSONObject which should be encoded :raises ConfigurationError: When the JSONObject of which an instance was passed does NOT define any JSON fields :raises TypeError: When the type of a field in the JSONObject is not encodable :return: A dict which represents the passed JSONObject and is JSON conform """ result = {} properties = _JSONCommon.get_decorated_properties(json_object) if not properties.keys(): raise ConfigurationError("The class doesn't define any fields which can be serialized into JSON") for key in properties.keys(): property_value = properties[key].fget(json_object) field_mode = _JSONFieldAttributes.get_mode(properties[key].fget) if field_mode == FieldMode.ENCODE or field_mode == FieldMode.ENCODE_DECODE: result[key] = self._get_sanitized_value(property_value) return result
def _get_sanitized_value(self, value): """ Sanitizes a value so that it can be encoded to a JSON document. :param value: The value which should be be sanitized :raises TypeError: When the value is not JSON encodable :return: The sanitized value """ if value is None: return value elif _JSONCommon.value_is_simple_type(value): return value elif isinstance(value, dict): result = {} for key in value.keys(): result[key] = self._get_sanitized_value(value[key]) return result elif _JSONCommon.value_not_str_and_iterable(value): result = [] for item in value: result.append(self._get_sanitized_value(item)) return result elif isinstance(value, JSONObject): return dumpd(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): if value.tzinfo: return value.strftime(self.DATETIME_TZ_FORMAT) else: return value.strftime(self.DATETIME_FORMAT) elif isinstance(value, return value.strftime(self.DATE_FORMAT) else: raise TypeError("The object type `{}` is not JSON encodable".format(type(value)))
[docs]class JSONDecoder(object): """ This class offers methods to decode a JSON document into a :class:`JSONObject`. A :class:`JSONObject` can be decoded from - an `str` - a `dict` - a `write()` supporting file-like object """ _KEY_OCCURRENCES = "occurrences" _KEY_OBJECT = "object" _KEY_PROPERTIES_AMOUNT = "properties_amount"
[docs] def from_json_str(self, json_str, target=None): """ Decode an `str` into a :class:`JSONObject`. The `str` **MUST** contain a JSON document. :param json_str: The str which should be decoded :param target: (optional) The type of the target JSONObject into which this str should be decoded. When this \ is empty then the target JSONObject will be searched automatically :raises ConfigurationError: When the target JSONObject does NOT define any JSON fields :raises TypeError: When the signature of the passed target did NOT match the signature of the JSON document \ which was inside the passed str i.e. they had no fields in common :raises MissingObjectError: When no target JSONObject was specified AND no matching JSONObject could be found :raises ConstraintViolationError: When a field of the JSON document which was inside the str violated a \ constraint which is defined on the target JSONObject e.g. a required field is missing :return: A JSONObject which matched the signature of the JSON document from the str and with the values of it """ return self.from_json_dict(json.loads(json_str), target)
[docs] def from_json_file(self, json_file, target=None): """ Decode a `read()` supporting file-like object into a :class:`JSONObject`. The file-like object **MUST** contain a valid JSON document. :param json_file: The read() supporting file-like object which should be decoded into a JSONObject :param target: (optional) The type of the target JSONObject into which this file-like object should be \ decoded. When this is empty then the target JSONObject will be searched automatically :raises ConfigurationError: When the target JSONObject does NOT define any JSON fields :raises TypeError: When the signature of the passed target did NOT match the signature of the JSON document \ which was read from the passed file-like object i.e. they had no fields in common :raises MissingObjectError: When no target JSONObject was specified AND no matching JSONObject could be found :raises ConstraintViolationError: When a field of the JSON document which was read from the file-like object \ violated a constraint which is defined on the target JSONObject e.g. a required field is missing :return: A JSONObject which matched the signature of the JSON document which the read() supporting file-like \ object returned and with the values of it """ return self.from_json_dict(json.load(json_file), target)
[docs] def from_json_dict(self, json_dict, target=None): """ Decode a python `dict` into a :class:`JSONObject`. The `dict` **MUST** be JSON conform so it cannot contain other object instances. :param json_dict: The dict which should be decoded :param target: (optional) The type of the target JSONObject into which this dict should be decoded. When this \ is empty then the target JSONObject will be searched automatically :raises ConfigurationError: When the target JSONObject does NOT define any JSON fields :raises TypeError: When the signature of the passed target did NOT match the signature of the passed dict i.e. \ they had no fields in common :raises MissingObjectError: When no target JSONObject was specified AND no matching JSONObject could be found :raises ConstraintViolationError: When a field inside the dict violated a constraint which is defined on the \ target JSONObject e.g. a required field is missing :return: A JSONObject which matched the signature of the dict and with the values of it """ if target is None: target = self._get_most_matching_json_object(json_dict) result = target() self.validate_required_fields(result, json_dict) properties = _JSONCommon.get_decorated_properties(result) if not properties: raise ConfigurationError("The JSONObject `{}` doesn't define any fields".format(target.__name__)) if all(properties.get(key) is None for key in json_dict.keys()): raise TypeError("No matching fields found to build a JSONObject with the type `{}`".format(type(result))) for key in properties.keys(): field_mode = _JSONFieldAttributes.get_mode(properties[key].fget) if field_mode == FieldMode.DECODE or field_mode == FieldMode.ENCODE_DECODE: value = self._revert_sanitized_value(json_dict.get(key)) properties[key].fset(result, value) return result
def _revert_sanitized_value(self, sanitized_value): """ Revert the sanitization of a value *e.g.* passing a date `str` like '2018-08-09' would return a :class:`` with the appropriate date. :param sanitized_value: The sanitized value which should be reverted :raises TypeError: When the sanitized value cannot be reverted :raises ValueError: When the passed value did not match the expectations e.g. a datetime.datetime - hour was 90 :return: The reverted value of the sanitized value """ if sanitized_value is None: return sanitized_value elif _JSONCommon.value_is_simple_type(sanitized_value): if isinstance(sanitized_value, str) or sys.version_info.major == _PY2 and isinstance(sanitized_value, unicode): if re.match(_DATE_FORMAT_REGEX, sanitized_value): return parser.isoparse(sanitized_value).date() elif re.match(_DATETIME_FORMAT_REGEX, sanitized_value): return parser.isoparse(sanitized_value) return sanitized_value elif isinstance(sanitized_value, dict): try: return loadd(sanitized_value) except MissingObjectError: pass return {key: self._revert_sanitized_value(sanitized_value[key]) for key in sanitized_value.keys()} elif isinstance(sanitized_value, list): result = [] for item in sanitized_value: result.append(self._revert_sanitized_value(item)) return result else: raise TypeError( "The sanitization for the object type `{}` cannot be reverted".format(type(sanitized_value)) ) def _get_most_matching_json_object(self, json_dict): """ Given a `dict` get the :class:`JSONObject` which matches it the most. :param json_dict: The dict for which a JSONObject should be searched :raises MissingObjectError: When no matching JSONObject could be found :return: The type of the matching JSONObject """ def search_by_json_object(json_object): result = [] for obj in json_object.__subclasses__(): property_occurrences = 0 properties = _JSONCommon.get_decorated_properties(obj()) for dict_property in json_dict.keys(): for json_object_property in properties.keys(): if dict_property == json_object_property: property_occurrences += 1 break if property_occurrences: result.append({ self._KEY_OCCURRENCES: property_occurrences, self._KEY_OBJECT: obj, self._KEY_PROPERTIES_AMOUNT: len(properties.keys()) }) matching_sub_objects = search_by_json_object(obj) for matched_object in matching_sub_objects: result.append(matched_object) return result matching_objects = search_by_json_object(JSONObject) if matching_objects: matching_objects = sorted(matching_objects, key=lambda x: x[self._KEY_OCCURRENCES], reverse=True) most_matching_objects = [ item for item in next(itertools.groupby(matching_objects, lambda x: x[self._KEY_OCCURRENCES]))[1] ] # search if there is an object which has the exact same amount of properties as the passed dict for match in most_matching_objects: if match[self._KEY_PROPERTIES_AMOUNT] == len(json_dict.keys()): return match[self._KEY_OBJECT] return most_matching_objects[0][self._KEY_OBJECT] raise MissingObjectError("No matching JSONObject could be found")
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_required_fields(json_object, json_dict): """ Validate if a `dict` which will be decoded satisfied all required fields of the :class:`JSONObject` into which it will be decoded. :param json_object: The instance of the JSONObject into which the dict will be decoded :param json_dict: The dict which should be validated :raises ConstraintValidationError: When a required field is missing """ required_field_names = [] properties = _JSONCommon.get_decorated_properties(json_object) for key in properties.keys(): if _JSONFieldAttributes.get_required(properties[key].fget): required_field_names.append(key) for field_name in required_field_names: if field_name not in json_dict.keys(): raise ConstraintViolationError( "The field `{}` is missing in the object `{}`".format(field_name, json_object.__class__.__name__) )
class _JSONCommon(object): @classmethod def get_decorated_properties(cls, json_object): """ Get all properties from a :class:`JSONObject` which are annotated with the :func:`field()` decorator. :param json_object: The instance of the JSONObject of which the decorated properties should be extracted :return: A `dict` containing all properties which are decorated with the field() decorator with the pattern \ {"fieldName": <property getter function>} """ result = {} for member in inspect.getmembers(type(json_object)): if isinstance(member[1], property): if hasattr(member[1].fget, "__wrapped__"): member[1].fget(json_object) wrapper = member[1].fget.__wrapped__ if _JSONFieldAttributes.get_field_name(wrapper): result[_JSONFieldAttributes.get_field_name(wrapper)] = member[1] return result @classmethod def value_is_simple_type(cls, value): """ Check if a value is a 'simple' type *i.e.* a type which does **NOT** require further work to be encoded/decoded. :param value: The value which should be checked :return: True if the type of the value is simple; False otherwise """ result = ( isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, bool) ) if not result and sys.version_info.major == _PY2: result = isinstance(value, unicode) return result @classmethod def value_not_str_and_iterable(cls, value): """ Check if the type of a value is **NOT** `str`/`unicode` and if the value **IS** iterable. :param value: The value which should be checked :return: True if the value is iterable and NOT an str/unicode; False otherwise """ if sys.version_info.major == _PY2: if isinstance(value, unicode): return False if isinstance(value, str): return False return isinstance(value, collections.Iterable) class _JSONFieldAttributes(object): @classmethod def get_field_name(cls, func): """ Get the value of the _JSON_FIELD_NAME attribute of a method which is annotated with the :class:`property` and the :func:`field` decorator. :param func: The method which is annotated with the property and the field decorator :return: The name of the field/property (how it will appear in a JSON document) """ return cls._get_field_attribute(func, _JSON_FIELD_NAME) @classmethod def get_required(cls, func): """ Get the value of the _JSON_FIELD_REQUIRED attribute of a method which is annotated with the :class:`property` and the :func:`field` decorator. :param func: The method which is annotated with the property and the field decorator :return: True if the field/property is required: False otherwise """ return cls._get_field_attribute(func, _JSON_FIELD_REQUIRED) or False @classmethod def get_mode(cls, func): """ Get the value of the _JSON_FIELD_MODE attribute of a method which is annotated with the :class:`property` and the :func:`field` decorator. :param func: The method which is annotated with the property and the field decorator :return: The FieldMode of the field/property """ return cls._get_field_attribute(func, _JSON_FIELD_MODE) @classmethod def _get_field_attribute(cls, func, attr_name): if hasattr(func, attr_name): return getattr(func, attr_name) if hasattr(func, "__wrapped__"): return cls._get_field_attribute(func.__wrapped__, attr_name) return None _encoder = JSONEncoder() _decoder = JSONDecoder()
[docs]def dump(json_object, json_file): """ Shortcut for instantiating a new :class:`JSONEncoder` and calling the :func:`to_json_file` function. .. seealso:: For more information you can look at the doc of :func:`JSONEncoder.to_json_file`. """ _encoder.to_json_file(json_object, json_file)
[docs]def dumps(json_object): """ Shortcut for instantiating a new :class:`JSONEncoder` and calling the :func:`to_json_str` function. .. seealso:: For more information you can look at the doc of :func:`JSONEncoder.to_json_str`. """ return _encoder.to_json_str(json_object)
[docs]def dumpd(json_object): """ Shortcut for instantiating a new :class:`JSONEncoder` and calling the :func:`to_json_dict` function. .. seealso:: For more information you can look at the doc of :func:`JSONEncoder.to_json_dict`. """ return _encoder.to_json_dict(json_object)
[docs]def load(json_file, target=None): """ Shortcut for instantiating a new :class:`JSONDecoder` and calling the :func:`from_json_file` function. .. seealso:: For more information you can look at the doc of :func:`JSONDecoder.from_json_file`. """ return _decoder.from_json_file(json_file, target)
[docs]def loads(json_str, target=None): """ Shortcut for instantiating a new :class:`JSONDecoder` and calling the :func:`from_json_str` function. .. seealso:: For more information you can look at the doc of :func:`JSONDecoder.from_json_str`. """ return _decoder.from_json_str(json_str, target)
[docs]def loadd(json_dict, target=None): """ Shortcut for instantiating a new :class:`JSONDecoder` and calling the :func:`from_json_dict` function. .. seealso:: For more information you can look at the doc of :func:`JSONDecoder.from_json_dict`. """ return _decoder.from_json_dict(json_dict, target)